Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Back from Austin

My husband & I just returned to Des Moines after 5 days in Austin (TX). High point was eating at the ramshackle restaurant-bar (Chuy's) where the Bush sisters were arrested for underage drinking in 2001. Another meaningful experience was cruising down the Colorado River in 106 degrees while watching 1.5 million Mexico Freetail bats (the largest urban bat colony in the world) fly out from under the Congress Avenue Bridge in downtown Austin at sunset. Of course, the best part of our visit was just being with my son, dtr.-in-law, granddtr & grandson. We sang, swam, danced, played..... Children truly keep us young at heart, and allow permission to revisit the naivity of our own childhood. And while I was there, my son helped me set up this blog. Don't have a clue who will read this, but I will write now & then, hopefully offer something worth reading on occasion.....

1 comment:

  1. I will be reading it!! So glad you guys had a good time together. Can't wait to see you next month! YAY!!!!!!
